Essentials: A concise overview of key information
English Language Essentials

English Language Essentials

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By Mamie Webb Hixon
Print Edition $6.95

  • Pages: 144
  • Publication Date: August 1995
  • ISBN: 978-0-87891-789-1

REA’s Essentials provide quick and easy access to critical information in a variety of different fields, ranging from the most basic to the most advanced. As its name implies, these concise, comprehensive study guides summarize the essentials of the field covered. Essentials are helpful when preparing for exams, doing homework and will remain a lasting reference source for students, teachers, and professionals. English Language reviews the fundamentals of English language, including grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, and sentence structure. Other topics include capitalization, numbers, troublesome word usage, and commonly misspelled words.

About the Author

Mamie Webb Hixon, M.A., is director of the Writing Center at the University of West Florida, Pensacola, Fla.