TExES Mathematics 4-8 (115) Study Guide 2025-2026

TExES Mathematics 4-8 (115) Study Guide 2025-2026

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By Dr. Trena Wilkerson
Print Edition $39.95

  • Pages: 384
  • Publication Date: September 2017
  • ISBN: 978-0-7386-1225-6

TExES Mathematics 4-8 (115) Test Prep with Online Practice Tests

2nd Edition - Completely Aligned with the Current Exam

REA's TExES Mathematics 4-8 (115) test prep is perfect for teacher education students and career-changing professionals who are seeking certification as Texas middle school (grades 4-8) mathematics teachers.

Written by a Texas-based education expert, this new edition is fully aligned with the latest test framework.

Our comprehensive review guides prospective middle school math teachers through all the domains and topics tested on the TExES exam including: number concepts, patterns and algebra, geometry and measurement, probability and statistics, mathematical processes and perspectives, and mathematical learning, instruction, and assessment. Examples and exercises reinforce the concepts taught in each chapter.

Two full-length practice tests (in the book and online) are balanced to include every type of question on the exam. Our online tests are offered in a timed format with automatic scoring and diagnostic feedback to help you zero in on the topics and types of questions that give you trouble now, so you can succeed on test day.

This test prep is a must-have for anyone who wants to become a Texas math teacher!

REA books and software have proven to be the extra support teacher candidates need to pass their challenging tests for licensure. Our comprehensive test preps are teacher-recommended and written by experts in the field.

About the Author

Trena L. Wilkerson, Ph.D., is Professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction at Baylor University, where she currently serves as the department's Graduate Program Director. In 2016 she received the Texas Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ E. Glenadine Gibb Achievement Award for her contribution to the improvement of mathematics education at the state and national level. She is the editor of the Texas Math Teacher, the journal of the Texas Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Dr. Wilkerson served on the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics board of directors from 2014 to 2017.  

Dr. Wilkerson was also a co-recipient of the Award for Excellence in Integrating Science and Mathematics from School Science Mathematics Association (SSMA) for her role as Director of the GEAR UP Math Initiative and Co-Principal Investigator of the GEAR UP Waco grant funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Baylor and the School of Education were involved in the GEAR UP project from 1999 to 2013. The second phase of that project (2006 – 2013) provided $11.3 million in grant funds. GEAR UP stands for “Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs” and prepares students for higher education beginning in middle school.

Dr. Wilkerson's research interests include mathematics education, teacher education, algebra teacher efficacy, teaching and learning of mathematics, and professional development. She is interested in the effective teaching of mathematics and its impact on student learning. She recently conducted research in early childhood understanding of rational number concepts, worked with a cross-university collaborative to develop an instrument to measure algebra teacher efficacy, and studied the effect of professional development on mathematics teachers and their students through Lesson Study. She has published in prestigious journals such as the Journal of Research in Childhood Education, Journal of Research in Mathematics Education, Journal of Advanced Academics, and The Mathematics Teacher and Teaching Children Mathematics.