TExES Core Subjects 4-8 (211) Study Guide 2025-2026

TExES Core Subjects 4-8 (211) Study Guide 2025-2026

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By Christina Gawlik, Dr. Karen Allmond, Dr. Mary D. Curtis, Dr. Ann M.L. Cavallo, Marci Smith Deal
Print Edition $39.95

  • Pages: 588
  • Publication Date: January 2023
  • ISBN: 978-0-7386-1282-9

REA’s Book + Online Test Prep for the Revised TExES Core Subjects 4-8 (211) Test Gets You Certified and in the Classroom! Go with REA, your trusted partner for success in Texas teacher certification for over 30 years. 

Teacher candidates seeking certification to teach the middle-level grades in Texas's public schools must pass the revised TExES Core Subjects 4-8 exam. The revised exam launched in 2021. 

REA’s Book + Online exam guide was developed by a team of Texas-based teacher educators led by Dr. Ann Cavallo, Assistant Vice Provost and Director of the Center for Research on Teaching and Learning Excellence at The University of Texas at Arlington. This prep pack offers extensive coverage of the four core subject areas tested on the exam:

  • English Language Arts and Reading (806)
  • Mathematics (807)
  • Social Studies (808)
  • Science (809)

You get these features:

  • Targeted review of all domains and competencies tested on the revised TExES Core Subjects 4-8 exam
  • Online diagnostics pinpoint what you need to study
  • 2 full-length practice test batteries based on actual exam questions
  • Practice test answers explained in rich detail
  • Proven study tips, strategies, and confidence-boosting advice
  • Online practice tests offer timed testing, automatic scoring, and topic-level feedback

REA's TExES Core Subjects 4-8 (211) is a must-have if you want to become a middle-school teacher in Texas.


About the Author

Ann Cavallo, Ph.D., is Assistant Vice Provost and Director of the Center for Research on Teaching and Learning Excellence, Co-director of UTeach Arlington, and Distinguished University Professor of Science Education at The University of Texas at Arlington (UTA). She holds secondary teacher certification in Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, and General Science, and taught middle and high school science before earning her graduate degrees. At the university level, she has developed programs and instructed courses on campus and online in science teaching methods, educational psychology, research methodology, biology, and earth science.

Dr. Cavallo has been Principal Investigator of two National Science Foundation Robert Noyce grants totaling over $2 million. Her research investigates high school and college students’ learning approaches and strategies, scientific reasoning, self-efficacy, and their acquisition of conceptual understandings of science, particularly through inquiry-based teaching models. She also studies teacher learning, induction, and retention in the profession. In 2015, Dr. Cavallo received the Distinguished Record of Research Award from UTA, and in 2016 was inducted into the Academy of Distinguished Scholars. Dr. Cavallo has more than 40 publications in internationally and nationally refereed journals and proceedings, as well as several books and book chapters. In all, she has secured more than $12 million in grants and gifts from various funding agencies to support her work. She serves on the Advisory Board for the National Science Foundation and the American Association for the Advancement of Science for STEM Teacher Preparation. She has made over 70 presentations at professional conferences, and has held significant leadership positions in professional education organizations. Dr. Cavallo earned her B.S. from Niagara University, and her M.S. in Science Education/Biology, M.S. in General Science, and Ph.D. in Science Education from Syracuse University.